
Although God does not cause the hardships we experience in life, there are times when He allows us to endure challenging circumstances for His glory and our benefit. Through trials and tribulations, He is refining our character to be more like His. James encourages us to gain a positive, even joyful perspective through it all because the testing of our faith produces patience, maturity, and trustworthiness. James gives us a secret key to graduating with honors and enjoying the view from God’s perspective. So, let’s unpack this powerful scripture. The following study was inspired by Free Chapel’s School of Discipleship and will continue to improve over time.

Glossary of Terms

Joy (vs. Happiness): The perspective; The choice.
• Joy is a Fruit (of the Spirit); Happiness is a feeling.
• Joy is internal and eternal; Happiness is external and ephemeral.
• Joy is a sacrifice, happiness is pleasure
• Joy can be experienced during difficulty; Happiness cannot.

Trials: The lesson; The individually unique and necessary preparation for an assignment. The Greek word for trials is peirasmois, which also means an experiment.
Just because I learn a lesson does not mean I pass the test.

Faith (exercised): The test; Participation.
• “The substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1).
• The actionable demonstration of believing that all things work together for good to those that love the Lord and have been called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).

Patience (demonstrated): Proof of work; The result of faith in action demonstrated by a right perspective through self-control and often accompanied by a pattern of good works.
The Israelites participated in God’s plan by fleeing from Egypt. They learned many lessons about God’s power and provision, but they failed to prove themselves by applying what they learned through demonstrating patience.

Perfect and complete: The prize; The graduation; Sanctification; Heaven
The difference between salvation and sanctification is a total transformation of character. It only takes a moment to accept Christ’s salvation, but it can take a lifetime to become like Him. 

Wisdom: The purpose; The answer key.
Wisdom helps to explains why the lesson is important for us to learn and therefore shapes our perspective before we begin. Asking for wisdom from the Lord will prepare us in advance for necessary trials and help us to avoid the unnecessary ones.

The Secret Key

The secret key is asking for wisdom. There are many promises of God that apply only to His children. However, receiving wisdom is one of God’s universal promises which applies to anyone who will ask. So, if you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place, ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom. Ask out loud and believe you will receive it. He promises to grant your request and bless you for spending time with Him and His Word.