SHINING STARS Highlighting the Most Influential People in My Life

Jentezen Franklin

Senior Pastor of Free Chapel | Author | Evangelist

This is my pastor and earthy shepherd. If it were not for him, this website would not exist. He inspires me to have the fearless kind of faith that moves mountains and equips me to be an ambassador for the Kingdom of God. When I grow up, I want to be like Jesus like Jentezen Franklin.

Check out his new book, Overcoming When You Feel Overwhelmed: 5 Steps to Surviving the Chaos of Life.

Tyrone Bragg

Father | Musician | Executive Producer | Canon Clergy

It is my honor and privilege to include my dad as one of the most influential people in my life. His Christlike character and humility are what I admire the most about him, but his many life accomplishments are duly worth noting. He has toured the world many times as a Christin musician, including North Korea. Before retiring, served as an executive producer and on-air personality for Jay Sekulow (ACLJ), the Christian Broadcasting Network (The 700 Club), and the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN).

In recognition for his lifetime dedication to ministry, he was canonized by the Anglican church. I joke with him by saying that he is the only person I know who became a saint while still alive. I am blessed to be able to share him with others, as he is a spiritual father to many. 

James Glutting

Pastor | Teacher | Missionary | The Fit Man

Pastor James is often referred to as a doctor or a samurai because of his careful precision in  training up the body of Christ. He is a most trusted mentor and adviser and I am eternally grateful for his friendship and sharpening skills.

Dr. Mark Rutland

The Renaissance Man

Dr. Mark is one of my favorite teachers. His book 21 Seconds to Change Your World opened a door that moved me to Free Chapel and lit a fire in me that will shine throughout eternity. I am truly a better man because of him.

Check out his new book, David The Great: Deconstructing the Man After God’s Own Heart

Dr. Andrew Jackson

Teaching Pastor | Professor | Author | Missionary

Dr. Jackson was my first pastor. From the time I was born through my formative years, I grew up under his teaching. Even as a toddler, I would choose to sit in the main sanctuary with my parents rather than attend children’s church because of how much I enjoyed the presence of the Lord under his stewardship. It was he who first baptized me and it was in his church that I received many words of prophecy from missionaries and evangelists as a child. Although we now live worlds apart, I am thankful to have a relationship with this powerful man of God.

Samuel Rodriguez

Pastor | Author | American Movie Producer

Pastor Sam gave me permission to have a prayer closet and still keep my man-card. Daily time in my prayer closet has proven to be one of the most significant single acts of obedience as a Christian. It is where I meet with God. It is where I can hear His voice without distraction. It is where He reveals great and unsearchable truths to me. Never underestimate the power found within a prayer closet.


Ravi Zacharias

Evangelist | Apologist | Author

Listening to Ravi Zacharias is like drinking water from a fire hose. I may not consume it all the first time, but I am always saturated with the Word of God. For over 46 years, he has been defending the Christian faith and answering life’s toughest questions with eloquence and grace. He is my favorite apologist. I used to listen to him for hours every day in cars, buses, and trains as I commuted to and from university. He is a beacon of light who helped me solidify my identity in Christ and purpose in this world.

Kendrick Rucker

Pastor | Teacher | Author

Pastor Kendrick Rucker, affectionately known as “PK” presides over the Free Chapel alter team, Next Steps, and School of Discipleship: Foundation. His dedication to serving others is only outmeasured by his Christlike character. I am privileged to sit under his leadership.

Check out his latest book, Walking with Jesus

Brantley Johnson

Pastor | Author

Brantley, one of my dearest friends, is the executive pastor at Momentum Church in Woodstock, GA where my wife and I were active members prior to being called to Free Chapel. Momentum church has since purchased a new building. Interestingly, Pastor Chad Craig, who served as a pastor at Free Chapel for 8 years, planted his new church, The Dwelling Place, in Momentum’s previous building. Check out what Pastor Brantley has been up to at

Michael & Elaine Shreve

Pastor | Teacher | Missionary

I have had the great honor of knowing Pastor Michael Shreve and his effervescent wife, Elaine, since 1996 when I was part of their youth group missions team – the same church in which they continued to expand as lead pastors until 2022. They are now full time missionaries. They are a true testament, as they have never lost their zeal for proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ both home and abroad. I feel eternally connected to them as they played an immeasurably important role in shaping the man I am today.

Oswald Chambers

Evangelist | Teacher | Author

Of all the books I have read, I believe I have read My Utmost for His Highest more times than any other. It never gets old, even though it was published in 1934. I hope to author books that continue to inspire people long after I’m gone. Unless, of course, Jesus comes back first.

Aaron & Crysta Marshall

Pastor | Leader

Pastor Aaron and his wife Crysta pastor the young adults at Free Chapel. I count it an honor to have served under their leadership.

Check out their meaningful organization,

Tommy Tenney

Evangelist | Teacher | Author

Tommy Tenney has the sweetest and most sincere sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. He inspires me to press hard into His presence and to promote unity within the body of Christ.

Tony & Gwen Brock

Senior Pastor at Hope & Life

Pastor Tony was a wonderful pastor to me and my family for over 10 years. He gave me a firm foundation in the Word as a teenager and young adult. I took books-worth of notes on his teachings. He is one of the most influential people of my upbringing.

Ross Wiseman

Senior Pastor at Momentum Church

Pastor Ross has a beating heart for the community, which is why he is so beloved by his congregation. His transparent preaching style convicts, refreshes, and exhorts. He has a special gift and I’m thankful to have served under his leadership for over 5 years.

John & Joslyn Brockman

Pastors | Musicians

Pastors John and Joslyn were my pastors, mentors, and friends as a young adult. I served under their leadership as a creative contributor in their youth department where I co-directed many Christian theater tours. Their relentless love made a tremendous impact on my character. They were the first to stretch me beyond my spiritual comfort zone, and for that, I am forever thankful to this powerhouse couple. You guys rock.

Tim Mackie

Pastor | Professor | Theologian | Creative Genius

Tim Mackie and his team of creatives have reintroduced Sunday school to a new generation like never before. He is a revolutionary leader and teacher for the Kingdom of God.

Dr. Cindy Trimm

Speaker | Author | Advocate

Dr. Cindy Trimm is a sought-after empowerment specialist, revolutionary thinker, and transformational leader. She has earned a distinguished reputation as a catalyst of change and voice of hope to the nations as an advocate for Jesus Christ.

Jack Frost

Author | Pastor | Coach

The late Jack Frost was a hard-nosed commercial fishing boat captain until God revealed a depth of His love that completely changed the way Jack functioned in both his family and in his ministry. I highly recommend the life-changing books that he wrote about the father-son relationship. They are Experiencing the Father’s Embrace and Spiritual Slavery to Spiritual Sonship.

Mr. & Mrs. Baker

Teachers | Mentors | Generals

Mr. & Mrs. Baker are decorated generals in the army of God. They are raising up a generation of uncompromising Christian leaders filled with the gifts of the Spirit. They are hell’s worst nightmare because of their faith-filled knowledge, wisdom, and understanding of the spoken, living Word of God. 

Derek Prince

Author | Deliverance Minister

A trusted source of Bible teaching resources since 1971, Derek Prince Ministries believes lives are changed when people meet Jesus. Through discipling and the sound education of God’s Word, we nourish the mind, embolden the heart and champion the hand of believers to live in the fullness of that encounter.

Andrew Wommack

Author | Teacher | Host

Like Jesus, Andrew Wommack is considered controversial because the Biblical principles he teaches are often offensive to the wayward condition of my soul. That is why I like him so much. He is one of my favorite authors on the topic of prayer. If you are ready to participate in and experience a transformational prayer life, I encourage you to check out his book, A Better Way to Pray

Bishop Dale Bronner

Planter | Author | Speaker | Trainer

While working out one day during college, I found myself running in stride with a stranger who didn’t quite feel like a stranger. I remember him introducing himself simply as Dale. For more than a summer we shared workout tips, praise reports and prayer requests. I am so thankful for his friendship. It wasn’t until I discovered who he was that I felt the full impact of our encounter, and understood the depth of his Christlike character. To me, Bishop Bronner is a hero, a spiritual father and a friend.

Charles Capps

Pastor | Author | Entrepreneur

Years ago, my dad gave me a tiny little leather-bound book, tattered and torn, with dog-eared pages and personal notes throughout. It was a solemn exchange and all he said was “Son, I think you’re ready for this.” To this day, God’s Creative Power remains a staple in my daily reading schedule. It continues to profoundly impact the way I interact with the world around me.

John Eckhardt

Apostle | Author | Speaker

As a senior pastor and a successful author of over forty books including Destroying Rejection, Prophetic Activations, Prophet Arise, New York times best seller Prayers That Route Demons, Prayers That Break Curses, and God Still Speaks, his passion to see others used by God to their greatest potential is seen in every aspect of his ministry.