Part 1: Who Is Jezebel?


I dedicate this message to Jentezen Franklin, Ben Prescott, James Glutting, Javon Ruff, Michael Thurmond, and Karin Baker for leading by example and showing me how to have the courage to confront and cast down the spirit of Jezebel.

Now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light. Let us walk properly, as in the day, not in revelry and drunkenness, not in lewdness and lust, not in strife and envy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts (Romans 13:11-14).


I plead the blood of Jesus over this message and over you as a reader. It has been prophesied and I believe a season is coming, and is already upon us, in which the world will be confronted by a spirit of sexual perversion like never before, in an attempt to sear consciences and paralyze hearts and minds through lust, fear, discouragement, and depression (1).

This message is for all my brothers out there who want to experience freedom from the spiritual bondage of sexual sin. If you do not know what I am talking about or do not care, keep reading anyway. I promise there is something in here for everyone. If nothing else, you get to watch me bleed a little. Do not be surprised if you have a difficult time reading this series. I have been bombarded by interruptions whenever I approach writing on this topic. There are truths herein that the kingdom of darkness does not want you to know as well as strategies that will empower you to overcome every oppressive force through the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of your testimony. 

That nasty witch called Jezebel does not fight fair. The good news is that our position in Christ guarantees us the victory. “In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us” (Romans 8:37). The challenge is in dying to myself, coming alive in Christ, and learning how to use my spiritual authority. As co-heirs with Christ, we will encounter hardship and suffering for His name’s sake, but we will also share in His glory (Romans 8:17). Nothing shall be impossible for those who believe in Him (Luke 1:37). The war is already won (Deut. 20:4), but are you sick of losing battles? You came to the right place. The Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are willing to fight for it, and the violent take it by force (Matthew 11:12). It is time to take the gloves off. It is time to submit to Jesus in fervent love. It is time to take authority over darkness. 

Prayer of Protection

As we begin, I want to pray over you and over myself as we expose one of the most treacherous divisions of enemy territory.

Heavenly Father, Your Word reveals that the spirit of Jezebel drives men and women to commit sinful acts because it cannot be satisfied, and it fills men and women with an insatiable appetite for sexual perversions (Ezekiel 16:23-31). This evil spirit is responsible for human sex trafficking, a loss of innocence through promiscuity in our youth, the proliferation of prostitution, and the confusion of sexuality. In the holy name of Jesus, I bind this spirit and cast it away from this nation. Break the hold of Jezebel from us, Lord. Loose the captives, and turn us back to purity (2).

Who Is Jezebel?

Jezebel was the wife and queen of Ahab, a wicked king who ruled the northern kingdom of Israel from 874 – 853 BC. She influenced her husband to institute the worship of Baal and Asherah on a national scale. In addition, she violently killed many of the prophets of God from Israel, even though she witnessed many miracles and warnings of destruction through the prophet Elijah. Elijah was succeeded by Elisha, who asked for and received a double-measure of Elijah’s authority. Elisha anointed Jehu, a fearless man who loved the Lord, as king of Israel who would overthrow the tyranny of Ahab and Jezebel.

The spirit of Jezebel is marked by manipulation and witchcraft and is implicitly and explicitly referenced throughout scripture as false prophetism. An ever-increasing culmination of her spiritual influence over the world will reach its precipice and final recompense during the last days on earth, as recorded in the book of Revelation:

I have given her time to repent of her immorality, but she is unwilling. So I will cast her on a bed of suffering, and I will make those who commit adultery with her suffer intensely, unless they repent of her ways. I will strike her children dead. Then all the churches will know that I am he who searches hearts and minds, and I will repay each of you according to your deeds (Revelation 2:21-23).

She’s a Man Eater – In 1982, Darrel Hall and John Oats warned a generation about the spirit of Jezebel with their critically acclaimed song, Maneater. King Solomon may have enjoyed this 1980’s classic, because he could relate to the message from his own personal experience and poor judgement in his relationships with women. Here is what he had to say: “The mouth of strange women is a deep pit: he that is abhorred of the LORD shall fall therein” (Proverbs 22:14). It is important to note that men are just a susceptible to the spiritual influence of Jezebel as women.

Enchantment Under the Sea DanceThe spirit of Jezebel has been evident in pop-culture for a long time. If you have ever read Homer’s epic Greek poem, Odyssey (800-700 BC), you are familiar with history’s first introduction of “sirens,” depicted as demonic sea creatures, who disguised themselves as seductive women with beautiful voices that lured nearby sailors with their enchanting music only to shipwreck the passersby on the rocky coast of their island. Sailors who fell prey to the deception of these sirens would eventually starve to death because of their refusal to leave, or be eaten alive. You heard right – I said sailor sushi. Originally, sirens and mermaids were considered one and the same, except mermaids were usually topless. Somehow, I no longer feel so “enchanted” by The Little Mermaid. If the movie were true to form, it would have ended with Ariel dining on escargot with a side of Prince Eric. It sounds like a horror scene from a movie like Silence of the Lambs, but that is exactly what the enemy wants to accomplish through the spirit of Jezebel – to seduce and devour the flock as a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Just a Spoon Full of Sugar Helps the Menace Sin Go Down – I still remember my first crush. It was Marry Poppins. I thought she had it all, but there was a reason I felt so spellbound by her charm. It pains me to say this, but I now know that Mary Poppins is a glorified witch. Look closely: Instead of a broomstick, she rides an umbrella. Instead of a cauldron, she conjures from a magic carpet bag. She summons magic mirrors, travels to underworlds, manipulates through telekinetic powers and mind control, and is hellbent on turning the attitudes of children against their parents. I realize it may seem like a silly example, but it exposes the wide-spread satanic agenda to numb our souls and open our spirits to demonic fantasy and witchcraft. If you look closely, you can see Jezebel stealthily slithering her way into every part of culture. Here is a satirical trailer of Marry Poppins as a horror film. Enjoy. 

One of the most iconic songs in the movie included the phrase, “Just a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down.” The problem with that from heaven’s perspective is summed up in Matthew 5:13 when Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.” But how can salt lose its saltiness? The answer is through contamination, and all it takes is a spoon full of sugar to contaminate an entire bag of salt. Both salt and sugar add flavor, but salt preserves. Sugar decays. Both salt and sugar are natural attractants, but salt removes toxins. Sugar attracts flies. The Apostle Paul warned us through his letter to Timothy that a time would come when people would deliberately “sugar-coat” the gospel when he wrote,

For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine and accurate instruction [that challenges them with God’s truth]; but wanting to have their ears tickled [with something pleasing], they will accumulate for themselves [many] teachers [one after another, chosen] to satisfy their own desires and to support the errors they hold (2 Timothy 4:3, AMP).

Personal Testimonies

My Soul Is Sketchy – The reason I can speak with a measure of authority on this topic is that I, like the apostle Paul, was once a chief among sinners. I remember living in seasons of rebellion, seeking only instant gratification. I was undisciplined, lazy, and full of pride. I used to blame my parents, my family, my environment, and anything else I could to justify deflecting responsibility. The truth is that my life and the character I develop are defined by the choices I make. My attitude, perspective, and emotional maturity are my sole responsibility. If I justify blaming others for my problems, I become a victim, and therefore disqualify myself from ever living victoriously. In movies and in life, victims never win. They may or may not be rescued in the end, but they always remain helpless and victimized.

Jesus said, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). Trouble will come, but when my identity is found in Christ, I surrender all of the credit and criticism to Jesus. In Him, I no longer carry the burdens of self-righteousness and insecurity.  

I used to be controlled by my feelings. The problem with feelings is that they are often wrong, and do not accurately reflect reality. I once heard someone say, “Opinions, based on feelings, are like armpits. Everybody has them and most of them stink.” However, the fact remains that I was created to have and express feelings. As part of the human experience, I exist as a body, soul, and spirit. Throughout scripture, the heart, which often refers to the soul, is described as being comprised of the mind, will, and emotions. Here is the trouble: “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” (Jeremiah 17:9). Even when we have the best of intentions, we cannot trust the wicked nature of our hearts. I love how Pastor Ben Prescott personalized Matthew 26:41 when he said, “My spirit is willing, but my soul is sketchy.” I can relate. If we are honest, we all can. Now, I am no longer a slave to my emotions, but rather, I submit my feelings to “Jesus, the author and perfecter of my faith” and my emotions (Hebrews 12:2).

The Bible says that the pleasures of sin are fleeting (Hebrews 11:25), but I never had enough fun sinning worth reliving. I just remember feeling sick with guilt because I knew better. I am ashamed of the times when I chose instant gratification over eternal reward out of selfishness. However, I am thankful that He loved me through it all and that He never stopped convicting my heart. That is the difference between the spirit of God and the spirit of the enemy. God convicts us to repentance. The enemy wants us to feel hopeless. So, when I “take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5), I create a memorial – a lasting testimony of the very thing that used to hold me captive. Then, when the enemy tries to manipulate, coerce, or intimidate me back into old habits, I can point to that memorial and declare “I have conquered that sin by the blood of the Lamb and the word of my testimony” (Revelation 12:11).

Out of the Frying Pan Into the Fire – I am so thankful for God’s hand of protection on my life, even in my wandering. I can remember many times that I narrowly escaped the clutches of peril, and only by the gracious hand of God. As a teenager, I nearly lost my life and liberty many times over. On one occasion, it was only by divine providence that I unintentionally avoided a mass shooting at a rave party by mere minutes. I shouldn’t have been there, but God rescued me anyway. Another time, my life was spared after leaving a karaoke bar late one night with my friends after refusing to let a drunk man join our party. Seeking vengeance, he waited for us outside after the night was over and pointed a loaded gun at my head. It was only by divine intervention that he was unable to pull the trigger. Still another time, I was met by an angel when I thought my life was over. My friends and I traveled to an unfamiliar city where we attended a concert. I was the only one in the group who wasn’t old enough to drink, so after the concert, they asked me to drive the caravan. From the backseat, I heard one of my friends say, “since you’re driving, you can have my girlfriend tonight.” I looked over at the passenger seat to see one of the most popular girls in school smiling and winking at me. As my pride began to swell and my foot grew heavy on the gas, blue lights began flashing in the rear view mirror. What I didn’t know was that there were enough drugs and open containers in my friend’s SUV to send me to jail indefinitely. I was immediately put in handcuffs and as I waited in the back of the patrol car, the officer began placing the paraphernalia on the hood of his car where I could see it. I wasn’t about to throw any of my friends under the bus, so I knew I would be responsible for all of it. That night in jail was one of the best things that could have happened to me. I got to see so many other young men in a downward spiral of consequences due to lust, fear, discouragement, and depression. As I sat waiting in a cell, I prayed harder than I can ever remember praying. Just then, the door opened as the officers threw a young man into the room with me, covered in blood. I asked him if he was ok. He said he tried to steal a bar stool and when the police showed up, he used it as a weapon, bludgeoning some of the officers. They had to tase him after he injured several of them. Then, he stood up, and with rage in his eyes tried to slam my head against the concrete wall. I tried to resist him, but he seemed to have the strength of many men, so I prayed, “Dear Jesus, please help me.” Before he could hurt me, he stumbled backwards and passed out. As I sat there in the silence, I felt like an angel was sitting there next to me, guarding me. I prayed all night and repented for all of the foolish things I had done to end up there. I remember each of the officers on duty saying to me, “Son, you don’t belong here.” Eventually, one of my friends showed up and bailed me out.

Later, when I returned to appear before the court, I remember watching as many were called before me to face the judge. I overheard some of those in attendance mention that this judge was known for extraordinarily harsh rulings. The judge was swift and unsympathetic toward everyone. Each verdict seemed more damning than the last, as the judge handed down his sentencing accompanied by the earth-shaking force of his resounding gavel. His booming voice declared, “Five years in the state penitentiary.” “Fifteen years.” “Twenty years. No possibility for parole.” Finally, the clerk called my name. I was trembling as I approached the stand. Before I even had a chance to speak, a tall man, dressed in a fine suit appeared next to me with a briefcase. I did not know who he was, and I had never seen him before. Also, he did not appear with any of the defendants before me. It appeared as if he was only there for me. He spoke words to the judge that I did not understand. The judge looked through a few of his pages and then whispered something to the person sitting to his right. He then looked at me and said “All charges have been dropped and your record has been expunged. You are free to go.” My head was still spinning in shock as looked over to thank the man with the briefcase. He was already gone, and I never saw him again. As I was escorted out of the courtroom, I was left standing in the open lobby, still unsure of what just happened. I felt as if I was in slow motion as the rest of the courthouse was still busily bustling. I felt an overwhelming sense of peaceful calmness in the midst of a raging sea. Still, I had to know why I was given such inexplicable favor. Although I was free to leave, I waited in line at a teller window to ask my question. As I approached, one of the tellers recognized me and said, “what are you still doing here?” I responded, “I just want to understand why my case was dropped and who the man was who represented me.” She said, “Ok, give me a minute.” After rustling through some files, she peered down at the paperwork with a perplexed look and scratched her head saying, “It looks like they changed a law in your favor. Your record has been wiped clean. Also, due to a technicality, your driving record has been reset. You now have zero points against your driving record. As for the man who represented you, he is an independent attorney who represents certain cases from time to time.”

I still get emotional when I remember this amazing experience, because it was such a profound example of how Jesus defends us from the accuser. All I had to do was acknowledge my sin before the Lord, repent in my heart, and confess my surrender to Jesus. I didn’t have to defend myself. In fact, I was never even asked any questions.  

The Bible tells us that Jesus sits at the right hand of God, constantly interceding for us with inexpressible words so that no one can condemn us. (Isaiah 53:12; Romans 8:26–27; Romans 8:34; Hebrews 7:25). What a selfless savior we have, so eager to stand in our place, especially when we don’t know what to pray. Thank you Heavenly Father for your extravagant love. Thank you Jesus for your atoning blood. Thank you Holy Spirit for all of the above.

Part 2: What Is Wrong with Pornography?